Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday Quick 5

This is a practice that a college classmate of mine has on her blog (which I love, by the way).  Every Friday she posts 5 things that might be going on in her family, that she might be thinking about, what have you.  Basically, you get five mini-posts in one.  It never fails to be interesting.  I hope she doesn't mind me stealing the practice for today, at least.  (I've thought about switching the day and number in case that might be a problem, but who can really write a Tuesday Ten or a Sunday Seven?  Okay, maybe Sunday Seven is doable.  Maybe.)  Anyway, check out my blogroll on the right hand side of the blog, and I'm sure you'll find her blog if you'd like to check it out.

1. This week I washed all of the clothes we've gathered for Simon and sorted them by size.  This kid is well-outfitted for next fall/winter, but as for when he makes his entrance we have three sleepers (one footy, two the gathered night-gown type), a t-shirt, a onesie, and what will likely be his home-from-the-hospital outfit.  I mean, who can resist a soft little overall set that says "Heaven Sent"?  I would be tempted to be seriously worried, but as my mom has pointed out a few times to me, now is not the right time to be buying warm weather clothes for the little guy.  And of course, when warm-weather clothes were on sale or in garage sales, we didn't know it was going to be a little guy.  I still need to go through Eliza's newborn things, as I think I have a small handful of gender-neutral things for her.  But overwhelmingly her clothes are pink with flowers and bows, so we may have to hit some garage sales as soon was warm weather hits.

2. I am drinking my first coffee of the day currently, and I actually sat here for a moment with both hands wrapped around the mug, savoring the flavor on my tongue, and thinking, "Oh, coffee, how I've missed you."  Nick is usually faithful in making me a cup of joe in the morning, but this morning we didn't have any coffee ground.  As it's a loud grinder, he refuses to do it in the morning.  I have now resolved to make sure there is always ground coffee while I'm doing chores in the kitchen!

3.  Menu planning started out well: using several tips and tricks I've gathered from friends, comments, and reading material on the web, I came up with a working menu plan.  And then the 8 inches of snow we received this week (plus a nearly flat tire when Eliza was overdue for both lunch and a nap during grocery shopping) blew the first week and a half to bits.  Not to worry: it's the beauty of having a month long plan.  I moved some meals around, improvised, and we'll hopefully be back on track by the middle of next week.

4. I think we need to have friends over more often.  We had guests over both Friday and Saturday night last week and let me tell you, my house has never been cleaner.  The floors were well vacuumed (of course I did them both days), the bathroom was spotless (Eliza was not allowed in), and the dining room actually looked like a room and not a repository for lost or random things.  The only exception was the kitchen, after Nick cooked.  But no one's complaining there: it was a fabulous dinner and a scrumptious dessert.  We have some filling leftover, so I'm going to make him make dessert again, really soon.  With coffee.  However, now the living room looks like Eliza blew something up, the kitchen is still struggling to recover, and there's a mess on the dining room table again.  Who'd like to come over next week? ;)

5.  My sister is due in just two weeks.  It's actually fun (to me at least) that we're both having boys within a few months of each other.  I look forward to them growing up together.  I'm looking forward to holding my new nephew and telling him, as I did his brothers, that I am going to be one of his favoritest people on earth.  That worked with both Jimmy and Mikey, until just over a year ago.  Now suddenly, I have to beg for hugs while I tell them to not stick their faces into Eliza's all the time.  By the way, they are her favorite people on earth, too.

That's it!  And that was kind of fun.  Becky, I hope you don't mind, but I might just have to steal this every week!

1 comment:

  1. You are welcome to steal it- I stole it from someone else! =) Fun to hear about your life.
