Saturday, February 4, 2012

Big News on the Quick 5

1. It's been hard to write the Quick 5 lately.  Nothing I had to say was quite as important or as interesting as what I wasn't saying.  But now, we're ready to make the announcement.  If you need a clue, I refer you to the picture.

That's right!  We are expecting again.  And we are excited!  The next addition of our family is due to make his/her appearance on my birthday towards the end of August. 

2.  This puts us at about 11 weeks along.  As the picture says, we've been told our baby is the size of a fig currently.  Whether or not that is true, he/she seems to be a healthy little one!  We have already had our first prenatal check-up, and everything seems to progressing just as it should be.  I got to hear the heartbeat, and it is healthy and strong!  In fact, as soon as the doppler touched my tummy, you could hear that sweet little heart thumping away!

3.  We learned the news for ourselves on Christmas Eve.  We had suspected that it might be the case for a little while, but finally decided to find out so we wouldn't have to wonder through holidays.  Christmas was a fun time, sharing the news with both sides of the family.  Both sets of grandparents are thrilled!  We wanted to keep the information to ourselves for just a bit, telling only family and a few friends.   But now, we're ready to come out and say, "We're pregnant!" 

4.  How have I been feeling?  Exhausted!  With Eliza, the morning sickness had been horrible; many days I couldn't move from a face-down position on the couch.  With Simon, it had been nearly non-existent.  This time around, exhaustion is the main deterrent to a normal day, but the more exhausted I am, the more prone I am to nausea.  Things have been getting better by small degrees the past few weeks, though, and I am seeing the light at the end of the first trimester tunnel approaching!

5.  Are we hoping for a boy or a girl?  Well, we have one of each, so there's not pressure either way!  I'd like to have another girl (I have the name picked out, not to mention using up all those girl clothes I'm saving!), but we definitely won't complain if it's another little boy.  We feel so blessed just to have another member to join our family, our prayer is simply that he/she will be happy and healthy and that we will be good parents.  We do, though, intend to find out what we're having.  As with the other two, we appreciate the opportunity to name the baby in anticipation of his/her arrival and to prepare for that special little person.  As I said, we have a name for a girl, but I doubt we will have much difficulty thinking of a boy one should the need arise.  Just seven to nine or so more weeks to go until we find out!

*Bonus (as I foresee some people asking): This baby and Simon will be about 16 months apart.  That puts each of our kids spaced just a little under 1.5 years apart.  When #3 is born, we will actually have three under 3 for a short time!  A little intimidating?  Yes!  But we look forward to watching the kids grow up together so close in age.  Eliza is already such a good little helper, I foresee that when the adjustment period is over, that she will be a big help as the Big Sister.


  1. congratulations to you all!! You and Nick are great, Godly parents, so bringing more children into the world is a wonderful thing. We had 3 under 4 and it is a little stressful but such great playmates. can't wait to meet # 3.

    The McCarter family

  2. I love it! :) What a fun post to read!! (the rest of your posts are also!)

  3. What a great post!:) CONGRATULATIONS!:) So excited for you! You'll be busy, but it will be so fun watching them grow up so closely!:)
