Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2012 Reading Plan

On Monday, I mentioned as part of a set of personal resolutions I've made a twelve-month reading plan for  my own enrichment.  I love to read, and I tend to read a lot of fiction.  Generally speaking, I simply pick up whatever sounds good/appealing or is recommended at the time.  I don't read with purpose or for enrichment very often.  This year I wanted to change that.  Inspired by Life as MOM's Booking It online book club as well as a very close friend's book club overseas, I decided to read with more direction this year, trying to stretch my wings.  The result is the list below.

It is rather conspicuous in its lack of fiction, only four titles out of twelve.  Most of these are books I've had an interest in reading but never bothered to seek out, others are ones I've known I should read for sometime but have never tried.  Only two am I picking up simply because I've heard other people read them and recommend them.

My hope is not to simply limit my reading to these books.  But, seeing how long it is taking me to get through one book at the moment, and how busy this year is promising to be, I might feel good just accomplishing the list.  At the end of every month I will blog about that month's selection, as well as any other books I might have read that I feel noteworthy.  In fact, the one I am reading at the beginning of this month, a biography, definitely deserves a mention.  I'll have to try and finish it to share with you, as well as get a move on The Happiness Project.

January-- The Happiness Project, Gretchen Rubin

February--The Well-Trained Mind, Susan Wise Bauer

March-- The Elegance of the Hedgehog, Muriel Barbery

April--The Dirty Life: on Farming, Food and Love, Kristin Kimball

May--French Women Don't Get Fat, Mireille Guiliano

June--Mary Boleyn, Alison Weir

July--The Confessions of St. Augustine

August--Three Cups of Tea, Greg Mortenson

September--Joy the Baker, Joy Wilson

October--The Thirteenth Tale, Diane Setterfield

November-- Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis

December-- On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness, Andrew Peterson

Life as MOM's posting day and link-up is the 12th of every month.  While I am not following her reading plan except in one selection (though I might choose to read more on the side if there is time and availability of material), I do intend to post and link-up then.  So, if you're interested in hearing about any of these books, tune in on the 12th of each month!

1 comment:

  1. I have several of these books. French Women, Confessions of St. Aug and I think one more (can't remember the list). Let me know if you need to borrow them! :)
