Sunday, July 15, 2012

Little Man and His Specs

Simon is adjusting beautifully to his glasses.  The doctor had told us that it wouldn't likely take too long.  Kids are smart; they recognize that they can see better and they don't fight it so much.  We had thought it would likely take him a day or two, thinking he'd be constantly pulling them off before he could notice the difference they made.  Not the case.  He's only tried pulling them off a few times since we got them late yesterday afternoon.  Mostly, he touches them, getting fingerprints and sometimes lunch or dinner on them.  The technicians at the store where we bought his glasses had told me that he'd possibly have a headache the first few days as his face and his eyes adjusted to wearing them, that we should give him a few minutes relief and then put them right back on.  Simon gets impatient if we take too long to clean the lenses from fingerprints and said meals.  

We've noticed him doing a variety of things the past two days.  Just in the short time he's been wearing those specs I've seen him inspecting the pattern of an old wallpaper in our dining room, watching his feet as he walks, scribbling on paper instead of just smacking the tip of the marker down.  We've been looking at his favorite books and I try to imagine what he's thinking as he sees them in a whole new light.  It is hard to tell, but he may trend towards more independence.  Today may have just been a very active day, but he didn't sit in my lap or want to cuddle as much.  We'll have to see if the trend continues.

I, on the other hand, am still adjusting.  It's strange to see him in glasses.  I don't always recognize him right away as "my Simon."  He seems like a very different kid.  I have to remind myself that my little guy is there.  The glasses change the look of his face so much.  Consider the pictures above and this one from his first hair cut a few weeks ago:

 Yes, he's still cute.  He's adorable.  But it takes me just a minute to adjust when I see him come barreling into the room.  There are other adjustments, too.  But that's another post to come.

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