Thursday, January 20, 2011

Another snow day

I hear my teacher friends around the area groaning.  State testing is approaching, likely all too quickly, and there is a great deal of pressure on administrators, teachers, and students alike to do well on state tests; after all, precious funding depends on it.  If it weren't for my stint in education ed. I probably wouldn't really understand.  But I do, a little.  The pressure comes from many sides.  First off, funding depends on results.  Without funding, important programs are cut, teachers are cut, and that often leaves the students in overcrowded classrooms with overworked teachers and not enough resources to provide the education our society claims we're so willing to give.  For teachers, this means far more work and very little compensation, making it a very difficult job to do and expectations so high that they are practically unreasonable.  Secondly, there's the joy of having the results published for the public to pick apart without really understanding what it takes to teach the standards, prepare students for tests, and motivate them to do well on a test (yes, a test, which we all know that we as kids hated).  Where does the responsibility lie?  That's a hot topic I'm not sure I want to touch on.

I hadn't actually meant to talk about testing, or the affects of a snow day during a very critical period in teaching and preparation could have.  I'm hoping that my teacher friends are taking a moment to sit back, take a deep breath, relax a little, and bless the extra time to prepare.  A well-rested, prepared teacher is an effective teacher.

For me, a snow day means another day in doors (no big deal, as Eliza and I spend a lot of time inside in colder weather anyway).  It does mean not getting out and going anywhere, likely.  But I've been to the store.  Eliza is fairly easily entertained, unless she has her heart set on playing with something she shouldn't.  I know it: I've got a pretty easy kid.  What'll I do when the next one comes?  My only qualm about the day is that we need to get our sidewalk shoveled and whether or not and when I should do it.  I know Nick's not hot on the idea in my pregnant state, and I wouldn't have even suggested it (as I know he'd take care of it) except for the fact that he's not sure when he'll get off today, and he has obligations tonight.  So we shall see.  But I think my little one has finally fallen asleep and now may be the time to go out and strap on my inadequate boots and do some shoveling.

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