Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Thankfulness, Day 6

I should have published on yesterday's post earlier in the day.  At that time I was thankful for these things:

  1. My sister-in-law Winter, who was not only a huge help to me, but an encouragement.  When I woke up with strong indications of pink-eye and the morning just went down form there, she saved the morning.  It was my small group's turn to provide brunch, and I needed to get my offerings there.  Plus, we were putting together Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes and I had items for those.  She arrived not only to pick those things up and take them to MOPS early for me, but she came with a chai in hand.  For me.  She's amazing, and for far more than just that.  Stay tuned for more about her.
  2. My parents offered to watch the kids so I could go vote unencumbered.  They didn't come empty-handed: they brought lunch.  This was wonderful on a day when it became more and more obvious I needed some quiet time in the Word and REST.  Not only pink eye, but aches and chills were setting in (ironically, no fever; another thing to be grateful for).  I didn't have to make lunch or clean it up, and I voted in peace.
  3. Which brings me to number three: I got to vote.  We may talk about whether or not our vote counts, especially since I happen to live in a state that is pretty predictable in which way it leans in regards to political parties.  But let's face it: it's a small portion of the world where we are not only afforded the opportunity to participate in government, but by and large we are given the resources to do it.  With the exception of those affected by Hurricane Sandy, we don't have to walk miles and miles to cast a ballot.  We may be subjected to media outlets that try to influence us one way or another (let's fact it: none of them are completely fair and balanced), but it's a rare story where voters are strong-armed one way or another.  We not only have the privilege to vote, but we have the freedom to vote the way we want.
There are likely other things I was grateful for.  But by the end of the night, I didn't feel so grateful.  I wanted a different outcome, and I'm not just talking nationally.

I try very, very hard to stay away from political comments.  I know not everyone agrees with me.  This is not a political forum, so don't expect any debate or commentary.  Just know, I'm concerned.  I'm concerned about our country, and honestly I'm concerned about our voters.  But I know Who is in control, and that will bring me to Day #7.

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