Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Thankfulness, Day 7

Today I am thankful that the Lord is in control.

Yes, the election results were a huge disappointment to me.  Yes, I actually think this does bode quite ill for our country.  But ultimately, it wouldn't matter who was in the President's seat or in the Congressional seats up for bids.  Ultimately, it comes back to the Lord my God.  He is sovereign.  He reigns from heaven.  All temporal leaders come and go, but He always remains.  He is in control.  No matter what happens in this country, good or bad, it is temporary, and this is not my home.  My home is with Him.  I can trust my family and our future with Him, and no matter what happens, again good or bad, we are safe in His hands.

Another thing happened less than an hour ago, though, that has reminded me that I can trust God with my family. I've mentioned before here on this blog concerns over my son's speech.  The advice I've heard and read have ranged from, "Some kids just start talking late; don't worry," to, "Speech delay can be a sign of serious problems."  Usually after that later statement is a long line of conditions, including autism and others I haven't heard of before.  Since there is nothing we can actually do until he's at least two, the going philosophy is to not worry until then.  But in the past few days, Simon's speech has been opening up.  He said "Cheese!" today when we tried to take his picture, just like his sister (and actually smiled, unlike his sister...).  He told me he was hungry.  And tonight, when I asked him to say "Love you" to his sister in the round of good-night's, he said it.  Okay, it sounded something like "Ta-toe".  But when I asked him to tell me, "I love you," he looked me right in the eye, smiled, and said, "Ta-toe."

Absolutely, I cried.  Of course, I laughed and kissed him and told him again and again how much I loved him.  It was so special when Eliza said, "La-lo" to me, and just as amazing when he said, "Ta-toe".  And I'll be waiting to hear Levi's version someday as well.  I am so very, very grateful that the Lord is in control, and that I can wait upon Him and trust Him in all areas, including my children.  Including my son's speech.  I pray and pray that someday Simon's words will also acknowledge that Jesus is Sovereign Lord, and that his siblings will do the same.  And I am so incredibly grateful for those two syllables.  "Ta-toe."

I love you, Lord.

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